Meeting Notes / Instigator catch-up 3/1/22
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Attended: Bente, Fenne, Martina, Ruchika, Tarik

Main talking points: Confidential hotline, new ideas for 2023, buddy to buddy update, new instigators?

Action points from this meeting

Meeting Agenda / Notes

Individual outlooks for the next few months

  • AJ: (not in meeting) back in feb/march?
  • Balthazar: (not in meeting) Was supposed to travel to NL tomorrow and join our dinner on 11/1 but 16hrs of train feels like mission impossible at the moment so will postpone my trip till february.🤒
  • Bente: available, same as usual
  • Chloe: (not in meeting) in Rotterdam from feb on?
  • Fenne: still every wednesday available as coordinator. Will start a job and move somewhere this year (maybe feb/march), that might change my availability
  • Martina: overall available, preferably not coordinating every week
  • Nanne: (not in meeting)
  • Ruchika: Maybe travelling, so not on the schedule for feb-march
  • Tarik: try at least once a month to coordinate, join a twice every month
  • Zuzzanna: (not in meeting)

 Confidential helpline (B spoke to Chia and has some updates)

  • Chia has volunteered to be the confidential contact for our helpline. She already does this for other projects at WMO radar and even takes yearly counseling courses to stay sharp.
  • I will update the hotline form on our website to automatically send submissions to her email. 
  • We agreed that she keeps all correspondence private unless the victim wants us to intervene/get involved. In other words Chia will not be “acting” on the complaints (she also doesn’t have time for this), so that responsibility falls to us. What do you think about this?

Notes from group:

  • Nice to have a ‘neutral’ person outside of GZG to assess the situation, but we need to make sure we can communicate well (quick?) with her in case we want to act on something.
  • Action: finish the loop: make one person contact person of Chia. WHO? (ask in groupchat) Maybe someone who is not in the situation but is part of the organisation (Myrthe, Balthazar?)
  • Something to think about: is this too much of a hassle for small things? For small or direct things people should contact anyone of the coordinators?
  • We need to create a post about the hotline link, and also mention it several times at our dinners:

 Theme/workshop ideas for 2023?

  • Make sure we keep the workshops aligned with our ‘pillars’ (vegan, no alcohol) !! This is also important to not confuse our guests/volunteers
  • Sourdoughbread workshop (Tarik)
  • Fermentation (Tempeh?)
  • Health and food related (Zuzanna) 
  • Live cooking workshop on instagram (like in quarantine?)

Partner updates (martina)

Buddy to Buddy:

  • GZG becomes a ‘buddy’, because we meet once a week people can come to dinner or join to cook.
  • Martina will speak with the contactperson to check details (if this is okay with their organisation).

Rotterdamse Douwer:

  • new contactperson (Timo), Martina is in contact and will meet soon.
  • They want to start a ‘foodclub’ (for young people?), looking for a combination with GZG. 

Anything else we need to work on?

  • Coordinators: in dec/nov we were only four who regularly coordinated, it was a bit low because volunteering every week. Do we need extra coordinators? Sarath? Kirsten? Fahim/Jalil?
  • Action: Fill in calendar, be kind to ourselves and then ask the people above if they can fill in any gaps
  • Volunteers: Low on cooks and people for cleanup, not a problem yet, but not a lot of animo lately
  • Action: ask if people want to join the whatsapp group that are coming to dinner, so we know our cleanup team before
  • Action: check if GroenGoed people want to join as volunteers