Groenten Zonder Grenzen (GZG – ‘Veggies without borders’) is an initiative that collects leftover food to cook free, healthy and sustainable meals.
From being nominated for the national volunteer organisation prize to local radio interviews, GZG has always generated a buzz!
See here who talks about us.
GZG is coordinated by a group of core volunteers known as the GZG Instigators. Each dinner there will always be at least two of us present who you can ask any questions. Whenever the word “we” is used in our communications it is usually referring to this group.
GZG establishes long-term partnerships with driven organisations with which we collaborate to reduce food waste. They allow us to continue this project and prepare delicious diverse meals every week. Check out who they are!
At the top of each meeting page you will also see all the action points. For a complete list of action points which have not yet been completed click here.