Rice bowl with Tofu, Capsicum and Cucumber
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Rice with veggies never disappoints. By adding some tofu, you can make a delicious meal. You only need 150 grams of tofu, so if you have another recipe where you need 350 grams of tofu for, for example, this is the perfect way to finish that leftover tofu.

Ingredients (4 people):

  • 300 gr brown rice
  • 1 red capsicum
  • 1 onion
  • 150 gr tofu
  • ⅓ cucumber
  • Soy sauce
  • Cashew nuts (I used peanuts because that’s all I had but cashews are way better)
  • Sesame seeds
  • Chili powder
  • Salt 


  1. Cut the tofu into small dices of ½ cm. Also, cut the red capsicum in bars, and the onion in small pieces. Meanwhile, heat coconut oil in one pan and soy sauce in another one.
  2. Add the capsicum and onion to the coconut oil pan, and the tofu to the soy sauce one. 
  3. Add sesame seeds and a bit of coconut oil to the tofu, and keep stirring.
  4. While this is all baking (5 minutes), chop the cucumber and cashew nuts.
  5. Serve everything together and top with salt and chili powder. Best way to finish it is with fresh coriander or mint.